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Body Positive Challenge Feature Profile August 19, 2015

"What is real beauty?

Now the most beautiful thing I notice about people are two things. Their smile and their eyes. Which the smile part is different than what you might think. It's not the teeth of the smile that makes it beautiful it's the feeling it gives off when a person is smiling. It's like they are passing on their happiness to others. I'm not talking about fake smiles. I'm talking about the real thing. I have always thought the eyes were the doorway to your soul, and it's a great way to read people.

I think when your confidence is up then you feel that happiness inside. Whatever it takes for you to feel confident. I feel confident in my heels and a nice outfit and my hair and makeup done. But it's not for others. I just love the way I feel. Now I'm no size 2. I love that my body is a dance teacher and the mother to a four year old son.

Sometimes I feel like I've let myself go, but I really do love my new curves. It doesn't matter what size you are. Find you an outfit that fits your body like you want it and are comfortable. Do your hair. It doesn't have to be anything fancy. Throw on some make up, and rock it. Just go somewhere. It can be anywhere, post office, store, anywhere with people. Walk with your head high and smile. Acknowledge people and you will see your smile is contagious." -Jessica S.

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