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Body Positive Challenge Feature Profile August 24, 2015

"Real happiness and beauty is doing what you love. We all continuously search for those things that make our life better and, a lot of the time, they are right in front of us. I have found that when I am serving others and am helping other people make the best of their lives is when I feel the most happiness in my life. It makes me want to strive for a better life for myself and my future family. I have felt what it's like to feel completely empty and be at the lowest point in my life. By others reaching down to help bring me back up, they brought me to a new light and knowledge of happiness I have never experienced. Loving one another and bringing each other up will help our self esteem more than we will be able to comprehend. When you see others living with hardly anything to their name and they are immensely happy, you take a step back and realize how much you have in your life and how much you are wasting. When you see people struggling to find food to eat and your purposely not eating. When you see little children in an orphanage who don't get enough food and you are throwing yours up. It makes you realize you have more of a divine purpose and you are the only one in charge of your own happiness. When others can live with very little and still be happy, so can you. Strive to be that change in someone else's life that someone was to yours. That's when you will see the light of true happiness and beauty, in the eyes of someone else." -Malerie P.

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