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My Support System

My Family: (from left- son, Jake; son, Max; son, Justin; daughter, Bella; son, Jaxen; me; son, Dezy; husband, Ryan

Each of us have our own form of support system, and each of these can look very different. But support systems, I believe, are crucial to recovery. We simply cannot do this on our own. We need our cheerleaders and those brave souls standing with us when we fall. They can help us find the firm ground under our feet again. They root for us when we feel like there’s no hope. Support systems come in all forms. They could be family members, friends, spouses, teachers, counselors, doctors,…and the list goes on!

In the years of battling my own eating disorder gremlins during my late teens and early twenties, I was so lucky to have an amazing support system who never tired of me, never gave up on me…my family. During this time period when my mind was telling me lies about my body, and I was sucked into these distortions, my mom was my biggest cheerleader and champion. Though we had no easy access to formal treatment (inpatient, specialized therapy, day programs, etc), my mom helped me build an array of cognitive tools that would strengthen me in the fight against ED…tools that I still utilize today.

Since that time, my support system has grown, and I have some truly wonderful people in my life (pictured below)…all cheering for my success, never thinking I’ll fail, even when I have setbacks. These are the people that I know I can go to if I needed any sort of help. And that’s an amazing feeling!

In my recovery my goal is to help others overcome this lonely and, often, lethal battle. Why should anyone have to walk this path alone? I’ve been incredibly blessed to have such a strong support system through my darkest times…something that probably prevented the destruction of my life. I

want to share that support with others. I fiercely believe in reaching out a hand and walking together …let’s ALL walk together, let’s talk together!

My sisters, mother, and myself
Doctoral student colleagues at The Chicago School in Chicago, Illinois...Forces to be Reckoned With!
Me and my bridesmaid and amazing friend, Jenna

Together we are strong! Find your support system and rely on them. Together we can change the world. Together we can become healthy and whole!

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