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As a Doctoral student and an individual recovering from an eating disorder, it is imperative that I engage in self-care. If not, I would surely burn out...and fast. Self-care can take on many looks and is vastly different from person to person. Despite this, we all need it. We have stressful jobs, kids, school, mental illnesses, financial problems...and the list can go on forever. We absolutely have to take time out each day to do something for ourselves. Something that is relaxing, something that makes us feel good, something that rejuvenates us, so that we can continue to handle the pressures of life.

For myself, I know running is my best emotional outlet. I get outside and feel the breeze whipping through my hair, feel my shoes on the pavement or trail, turn up my music, and life feels so good. My body feels good. Everything is going to be OK!

What self-care do you participate in? There's so many things out there to help us: yoga, reading, hot bubble baths, talking on the phone to a friend or a family member, photography, watching Netflix, going to the movies, napping (sleep is good!), getting a manicure or a pedicure, going to the gym, and so on and so on!

If you feel you don't have time for self-care, MAKE TIME FOR IT! Even if it's just 15 minutes a day. The benefits to your health and emotional well-being will be significant. You WILL burn out, have a break down, become depressed if you can't make some time for yourself. It's not's healthy!

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