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We Are Strong Together

Recently, a very good friend of mine shared some words that really resonated with me and with my goals:

"If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble…A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken."

Is this not so true with all struggles? How much harder do we have to fight if we walk the journey alone? Instead, why not help and lift each other up! I find that in my own eating disorder recovery the more I do in devoting my time to others, the stronger I am. Eating disorders, like all mental disorders, come with such negative stigmas. They are embarrassing and frowned upon. We are “not supposed” to talk about them…they are taboo. However, if we keep our struggles, our triumphs, our recoveries to ourselves….what good will it do for that person sitting right next to us who may be experiencing the very same challenge?

I’d rather not have my years of battling my own eating disorder go to waste by keeping my mouth closed. I choose to talk about the agonizing, life-threatening demon that I will never let win. I choose to try my hardest to help as many people as I can. Why not hold hands and walk together? We’re in this life together after all!

On our own, we may struggle, but when we work together, great things can happen and positive change can occur. Do simple things: share your story, donate to a worthy cause to help generate healing, lend a listening ear, participate in worthwhile fundraisers and functions, and educate yourself. All these things add up to such a greater good!

Together we can change the world!

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